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Friday, December 29, 2006

OS37 Classmate Gathering 28 Dec 2006

OS37 Classmate Gathering 28 Dec 2006

6 years after ITE graduation, we finally had a small classmate graduation, althought we could only get 9 of us together, we were never bored. We made the most noise in the restaurant.

We met at Sakae Sushi Heeren. Vivien, Boon Teck, Xiao Mei, Colleen & Zhen Xiu were already there eating when Eve & me reached, followed by Hui Jun & Mei Xin.
Times passes, all of us have grown older, but character still never change, same as 6 years ago. The prettiest one still pretty, the noisest one still noisy, quietest one still quiet, carziest one still crazy, disgusting one..... still disgusting lah.. the funniest on still funny and talketive one still talketive. But thses made fun, jokes and laughters over at the dinner.

After dinner, we still didn't get enough fun, we went to a bar for a drink nearby, continue our jokes and laughter. Too bad that it's Thursday and everyone gotta work the next day, so we decided our next gathering location and dismissed at about 11.30pm.

What a wonderful gathering. Look forward to the next gathering.

Sign Off
♥Princess J♥

8:01 PM

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas 2006

Christmas 2006

It's usual to celebrate Christmas at Church. But have you ever celebrate Christmas at Temple? Yes, No typo error. It's celebrating Christmas at Temple. At first I felt hillarous when I heard it. Eve, Cindy & Xiaoling invited me to the temple to celebrate Christmas. This is actually the 2nd time the temple celebrating Christmas.

We met and reached the temple in the afternoon. It was raining and we hoped that the weather will not affect our party. We made decoration, arranging tables, chairs and food for barbercueing. Then we waited for the time and the weather to turn better.

By the evening, the weather was still not turning any better, but it didn't affect our Christmas mood. There were director meeting on that day and they join the party as well.

There were Karaoke, games, Lucky draw and Santa Clause distributing gifts to everyone. Of course, we do have Count down ceremony. We celebrated till midnight.

After the party, we have to stay back to clear the mess. By the time we finally finished clearing, we were already dead beat. I've forgotten what time I reached home. I turned in after bathed... ZZZZZZZ....................

It was a great experience celebrating Christmas at Temple.

Sign Off
♥Princess J♥

5:48 AM

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Death Note 2 - The Last Name

Death Note 2 - The Last Name

This is one of the MOST RECOMMENDED Movie by Princess. Death Note 2 Final Showdown beigins on 28 Dec 2006. Don't Miss it!! Princess voted 5 stars for this movie.

Princess had just watched the movie. The theatre was almost full house. This shows that alot of people likes the story very much. The story was getting more and more excited and complicated. Really put my hat off to Light's intelligence who tried to plot the plans to cover his identity of Kira. Who is the Last Name in the Death Note? Watch it for yourself.


有着天才头脑的大学生夜神月,偶然拾起了死神丢在地上的"死亡笔记"。由于父亲夜神总一郎是警察局长,自小正义感强烈的月决定用 "死亡笔记"来肃清世上的坏人,用自己的手来创造一个理想的世界。在不停的有罪犯莫明其妙的死亡后,人们逐渐知道了有一个救世主 叫做"Kira"。

另一方面,ICPO为了调查Kira请来了匿名叫"L"的天才少年,希望借助他的天才的推理能力来找出Kir a的真身。紧接着,第二本死亡笔记也出现了......现在,月和L的头脑对峙迎来了新的局面-借着"帮助ICPO逮捕Kira"的理由,月潜入了调查本部。这样月就和对月虎视眈眈的L直接面对面的交锋了。但是,发生了月预想以外的事件,另一位死神雷姆也把自己的死亡笔记丢在了地球上,被一位崇拜Kira的小姑娘弥海沙捡到了。弥海 沙用自己的生命作代价取得了特殊能力"死神之眼",这个能力可以直接看到对方的时候就能知道对方的真名,这个是对付L的最强武器 ,所以月同意了和小姑娘合作。但是就在弥海沙写下L的真名前,她被作为Kira嫌疑者而被ICPO监禁了。知道同伴被监禁后,月 也提出了将自己监禁的要求,但是一切都是在月的计算之中。

另一方面,制作煽动性的Kira报道节目的樱花电视台,也发生了意想不到的事情。一直在追查Kira事件的高田清美,有一天终于 调查清楚了一项惊人的事实。紧接着,第三位Kira出现了......死亡笔记的规则被公布于众,2个天才的头脑斗智也在一个一个预想之外的事件中展开。一切都已明朗了么?那么,究竟是谁能笑到最后 呢?

For those who have not watch Death Note part 1. You can catch it on Youtube now. I've copied the URL below.

1/12 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79FB6IZIAT0
2/12 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ss_fEqHeXFE
3/12 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yQUmjbR9BQ
4/12 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoQnOA1b4Co
5/12 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPajLGOFKr8
6/12 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4jryh2StMw
7/12 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2pul-eu2q4
8/12 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkqkSc3pU0g
9/12 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkQQ5xMDGHo
10/12 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwBzvDYxX-A
11/12 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oV8-FZkGiU
12/12 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eOmJambAnM


Sign Off
♥Princess J♥

8:17 AM

Christmas Gathering 2006

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Kam, Nita, Jes & Me will have Christmas Gathering every year, so do this year. We had our gathering at Kenny Rogers Roaster @ Marina Square, Nita's favouraite food ~ Chicken. I thought I will be the latest to reach there as I'm working at Macpherson and they are working in town area.
But.... I was the 1st one to reach there, and they were still on their way when I got the table.
After all of them came one by one, we ordered our meal and start tucking in. The food is sooo nice. Oishi!!
After dinner, Nita suggested Ice-Cream for dessert, we went to eat Anderson's Ice-Cream. We chatted and took pictures, it's a short gathering as we all have to work tomorrow and I will have a Christmas Lunch gathering in my office tomorrow.

December Christmas Lunch
Our company has a lunch gathering every quarter and we celebrate Christmas at our lunch gathering this quarter. We were notified by email to get a $15 budget christmas gift for exchange. It's quite a headache to hunt for one as we do not know who to buy for and how it suit the receipient. I shopped for whole day last weekend, I couldn't deceide what to buy, I wanted to buy something that is nice, cute and usable. Accesories and figuries are out of my shopping list. Finally, I popped into Precious Moment and I strolled the whole shop and couldn't decide what to buy. I intened to buy the utensil set and got ready to pay for it, then something caught my attenion- A Magazine Holder at the counter. Hmmmm.... This is definitely usable. The receipient can immediately have in mind what to put in, and some more it's from Precious Moment de leh, not that cheap cheap 3 for $10 kind de loh.
The lunch cater was sumptous. There were Mee Siam, Chicken wings, Salad, Curry Chk bread, Sushi...etc. We enjoyed the food very much and went for alot of rounds.
After lunch, It's gift exchange time! We handed up pur gift to Annie in the morning and all the gifts were numbered. We drew lots one by one to get our presents.
Back in Office, we gathered together and unwrapped our gifts. We were all in holiday mood after the celebration, no mood for work liao. Hahaha.. Luckily tomolo. I'm on leave. Hei Hei..
I'll be going to Raffles Place and have lunch with Lai Fan and Evonne tomolo.

Sign Off
♥Princess J♥

5:29 AM

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Hello Kitty

Hello Kitty

还记得在N年前,当两只日本猫登入新加坡时,每个人都为它们争先恐后, 不熄一切,漏夜排队,挤爆波璃门, 大打出手。那时的 Kitty 猫就像是真贵的宝贝, 被捧在手心里。
当Kitty热潮迟续减退后,Kitty 猫就变得可有可无了。但是,Kitty 这趟新加坡之游并没白费。现在不难发现Kitty的踪迹。

Sign Off
♥Princess J♥

11:50 PM


♥WeLcome to My World!


Name: Jayne
린 웨이 치
Country: Singapore

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♥ Aries
Element: Fire.
Independence, Pioneering, Fighting, Acting, Leading

♥ Taurus
Element: Erath.
Producing, Possessing, Enjoying, Having, Maintaining

♥ Gemini
Elemet: Air.
Thinking, Communicating, Learning, Amusing, Trading

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Concealing, Controlling, influencing, Transforming, Dealing

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Seeking, Exploring, Travelling, Understanding, Believing

♥ Capricorn
Element: Earth.
Building, Using, Organizing, Achieving, Ordering, Climbing

♥ Aquarius
Element: Air.
Liberating, knowing, Reforming, Innovating, researching

♥ Pisces
Element: Water.
accepting, Inspiring, Loving, Fantasizing, Visualizing

Source from: Horoscope-Universe.com



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