SQ7 《孙子兵法》之“谋攻篇”
Today is my first SQ course after my AQ graduation. Wondering my AQ energy is still with me...
Well, I was very excited about today's course because the activities are always different at each SQ course. Although I was really tired, my eyelids closed automatically when I was on my way to POP workshop but when I stepped into POP workshop, I was so happy to see my AQ classmates, Xinhui, Lu Jie, Yi Ming and our 'dai tou yan'~ Zi Jian.
Today's task was to construct LEGO model. All of the groups have totally different LEGO models to complete. It's a coincidence that my group drew the LEGO crane. My dad is running a crane business and today my mission is to complete a model crane. It seems like there is a special connection between the model crane and me.
I always though Lego is meant for kids but it's not easy to complete especially the parts were taken out by 黄老师 before hand. We were at our wits end, when something strike acroos our mind, although some major parts were missing but why don't we complete it with the parts on hand, I focused on one part, it's the base of the machine. Although it failed everytime when I tried to attach the rest of the part to the base, but I din give up, I never want to give up because I believe that we can complete it especially I saw my team mates' effort.
Finally our project was done, and we were all very proud that our end product is the biggest and nicest of all. I saw all our group member's hardship, seriousness and responsibilities in this crane

Finally we were to bring of our models up infront of the class for autions. The amount bid will be donated in the name of POP. All of us were very hyper during the autions. Every group came up with different creative patterns to bring up the bidding price. So do our model crane the price brought up very fast and even 助教 joined in to the bid. I wanted to bring this crane back home for my dad and I bid with the 助教 to $150. He gave up and I bid the crane successfully. Luckily he gave up the bid to me and din bring up the price higher if not I won't be able to take this crane back.
Xiao Gu & Da Gu Gu chipped in $50 each for the crane so that I won't need to bear in fulll.
I was very happy to bring the model crane back and happily told my dad about it. Ah Lin saw the Lego crane and happily volunteer to fix it over the night.
The completed Model crane is beautiful to others. But to me, It's more than words can describe.

Lesson Learned: when we were fixing the Lego crane, we realised that alot of our parts were missing, 黄老师 has taken away. We tried to pled him to return us the missing parts but was rejected, we have to think of other ways to complete it. We though of alot of ways, produce half finished product up and explain that we couldn't complete it due to missing pats, or thought of buying the the parts from Lego shop or even buy back the exactly model to fix. When we start thinking what 黄老师 had taught us during the class, we soon start thought of the best way~complete it with the extra parts in hand and fix it with wire and scotch tape.
When all the members sat round the table, took the seriousness to complete this project, wires and scotch tapes were no need for the performance. Sorry Uncle Tan. Hee~
Life is the same.
We always thought that our life is incomplete. Something has missing in our life and start complaining why God took these things away from me. We start to grief about the losses and neglet the things we already have in our hand .
When you stop and think about it. You will realised that we have more than enough than we desire. So treasure what we have now.
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♥Princess J♥
10:30 PM
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
What's Happening??

At about 11.50am in the morning, when I was bz and bothering in my work, I heard alot of voices and CH who was at SB's workstation came over and asked whether did we feel the same as her. HP turned and told her she felt the same, she thought that she was having giddyness and she saw her monitor moving. R also mentioned that she felt it too, she thought she's sick and going to faint. So do AT. They guessed there may be an earthquake in our neighbour country. At this point, our dept stopped working and discussing about their experience. I looked at them in and told them. 'Oh, Why din I feel anything?' I asked MY, she din feel it too as we were together at my workstation discussing about work.
Then SL came out from her room and get us evacuated from our office. We walked down to the building carpark and I started asking around. We concluded that those sitting down could feel he shaking and those standing would not be able to feel it, and I was one of the standing person.
We had our lunch early and came back to the office, we were told that there's a 6.6 earthquake at Sumatra.
I was in the storeroom doing filing, when I heard PL shouting that she has feel it again. Everyone started became alert again. I ran out from storeroom and asked around. they had feel it too. I told them. I stil din feel it ley! For twice, I was standing up, the difference was I was bending over to do my filing and I felt a giddyness.
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♥Princess J♥
10:26 PM
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Mingli's Wedding Tea Ceremony
Our friend Ivy aka Mingli is married today. Siew Ghim, Hui Hui & Me were appoint to be her sisters. This is my 2nd time be a sister for the wedding. The last time was at Huimin's sister's wedding with Eve, Cindy & Huimin. Don't know whether I was too excited or what, I couldn't sleep the previous nite, I stayed up quite late to edit Mingli's wedding slides. I only slept for less than 3 hours before I woke up to start preparing at 4.30 am.
I was the 1st to arrived at Mingli's house at 6am, I was afraid that I couldn't hitch a cab at such an early morning. Luckily I could get one.

Honey, chinese tea chilli padi, wasabi biscuits
I started preparing the 'breakfast' for the bridegroom and brothers while waiting for the rest. Mingli was already doing her make-up.

The bridegroom was smart, he reached 10 mins before the auspiciuos time, as the groom must entered the house exactly at the auspicious time. He knew that we are going to make them eat and drink funny things. We ended up only made them ate 1 chilli padi and gave us $10 ang bao and let them in. However, we were not stupid. We locked the bedroom door earlier. We still can tekan them in the house. The bridegroom handed over a bigger ang bao over to us. But, we still made them eaten the wasabi biscults and bitter tea. Mingli requested earlier to ask the groom to write love declaration on the piece of paper chosen by her. After he finished writing, we handed over two keys to let him choose 1 to open the door. If the key couldn't open the door, he had to come back and get punishment~drink honey. Lastly, we made him sang love song at the door to Mingli, then the door was opended and the groom finally got the bride.

Eating Wasabi biscults Drink Honey

Drink bitter tea Sing Love Song
Then can....

Kiss the bride....

Sign Off
♥Princess J♥
11:58 PM