The time at Bintan seems slowing down, we always felt we have plenty of time to spend there. We hide in the villa for Mahjong session to avoid the UV power. We went to have a swim in the swimming pool at late afternoon. It made me feel at ease that I just wanna laze around in the swimming pool, looking at the blue sky. It's so close to nature.
"Wow" was the word we frequently used there.
You' got to visit Bintan if you've got the chance. No wonder one of my friend loves to visit Bintan.
This was the Resort we stayed

BINTAN TRIP 22-24/6/07
Yeah! I'm going to Bintan with my collegues on 22/6-24/6, 7 of us.
We've been planning this Bintan trip since April, but due to several cicumstances, we postponed it to June and thanks to AT's sister who was able to rent a villa in a low price from her company at Nirwana Banyu Biru Villa, a 2 storey banglow with 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, a spacious living room and a well equiped kitchen.

As not all of us can take leave to go there on Friday afternoon, (if not the office will be empty liao) so HP & AT will go there first , while the rest of us will join them at the Villa after work. It's our 1st time to Bintan, we were very excited for the trip.

5 of us are catching 8pm ferry at Tanah Merah Jetty, so we took time-off from CH. We've got a lot of things to bring over. We took cab to Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal, collect our boarding pass, check in and there we go...!
The ferry seats were comfy but not the ferry itself, the saky made us giddy. We finally made through the 55 mins shaky journey.

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♥Princess J♥
6:59 PM
Monday, June 18, 2007
最近乐坛出现了回流热潮。有几位隔了几年又从新出专辑的女歌手,如 我个人非常欣赏的YUKI 徐怀钰,Peggy 许哲佩, 许茹云,辛晓琪,SAMMI 郑秀文 等等。
睽违歌坛五年后平民天后徐怀钰从可爱女生化身为坏坏女 Bad Girl。无法忘记 《飞起来》,《喵喵喵》,《天使》,《怪兽》,《叮当》,《CALL ME》那些经典可爱歌曲。
其实 YUKI 这次的转型不是突然的,还记得2001年的 《MISS RIGHT》专辑 ? 那时还没办法接受从可爱转型成成熟小女人。
Bad Girl
有眼泪 没眼泪
我瞬间耳鸣 听不见伱们说的
我疯言 我疯语 眼泪让我瞎了
刷牙我想哭 洗脸我想哭
走路我想哭 静止我想哭
出太阳我想哭 起风我想哭
听歌我想哭 看喜剧我想
好听-许茹芸 MTV
鄭秀文 - Mi (國語)
郑秀文- 她们说
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♥Princess J♥
5:41 AM
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Auntie got 8 free Gala Premier invitation from her work place, me Zhen mum & dad and uncle whole family went to watch this movie: Men in White

The VIPs guests were invited at the cocktail recept. MC King, Patricia Mok and a lot of artists were there. Then the casts came down by the stairs and introduced themselves and talk about the movie.

Our seats were at the centre. The theatre was damn big, our seats were at the centre near the entrance, so we could see clearly the people entering the theatre. Me & Zhen were excited and try to recognised each and every artists when they enter the hall.
There's alot of artists attending the Gala Premier. Zheng Ge Ping & Family, Jason & weilian, Chongqing wif injured arm, Michelle Chia, came to support her beau, Ix Shen & Alicia who is damn slim, Felicia Chin, pretty that nite and seems to be the limelight of whole nite. The Superstars- Darren Chan & Fang Zhong Hua Lao Shi. Campus Superstar- Renfred & his partner, Ming Xing Ow Xiang- Jiang Chen Xi and long time no see, Shen Wei Jun who was still as handsome sitting just few rows behind us. Wah! Really a starlight nite.
The movie was...I'm sorry but it's lame. Only the first 5 mins was scary which was acted by 933 DJ, Xiao Jiahui. The rest was funny lame.
If you intend to watch this movie, consult those who watched.

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♥Princess J♥
7:06 AM