The first three dishes were prepared by me. To be safe, I better prepare something that doesn't need much time and stove to cook.
Fresh Garden Salad
Tuna Sandwich
Honey Baked Ham & Egg MayoSandwich
My All Time Favourite Task ~ Tuna Sandwich. This time, I added a new flavour of sandwich. Honey Baked Ham & Egg Mayo Sandwich. This idea came from Cindy. She brought over some Honey Baked Ham and suggested to make egg mayo sandwich. This is my first attempt and it turned out successful! I don't eat hard boiled egg and I like the taste too.

Clam Chowder Mushroom Cream Soup
Good feedback on the Clam Chowder Cream soup. Thanks to the convenient canned soup, with a little bit of ingredients, it turned out to be tasty.

Swiss Rosti by Evelyn
This Swiss Rosti was very tastey, it originally should be eaten with Sour cream but it seems to be quite difficult to find Sour Cream here, so we use Tatar Sauce for substitude.

Oyster Sauce Chicken Wings by Evelyn & Cindy
These chicken wings were marinated the previous night so that the gragrance of the oyster sauce could be absorbed by the chicken. I love these Chicken wings.
Bacon Kebab by Cindy with Xueni's help
Apart from our prawn kebab, we add another dish, bacon kebab as there's leftovers celeries. This was our first attempt. We never tried it before and we want to try if bacon can works well with celeries and it works perfectly!
Prawn Kebab by Cindy with Xueni's help
Many loves this prawn kebab but some doesn't like capsicans. I find the capisicans and mushrooms tate plain. Maybe next time we can grill them with a litle bit of salt.
Cindy fried the rest of the left over ingredients with black pepper sauce. Yum Yum!
Cranberry Hello Kitty Jelly by Cindy
Cindy prepared another yummy dessert, Durian Puff, but was so popular that it were all finished before I could take a picture of it. After eating, there's a few feedbacks. some like it warm and some like it chilled. I like it chilled.

This half log Christmas Log cake was given by Eve's neighbour.
It was great to have a feast that were made by ourselves. It's tired though but it's tastier and more meaningful to eat the food prepared by ourselves.
We would like to thank Xueni who came to the rescue for help up when we were behind time preparing the food.