2 Aug 2009, 4.30 am, the bride woke up in the dark dawn, preparing for the wedding make-up and dressing.
7am, the groom came to the bride's house and the sisters gott ready for the Get Crashing.
First Ang Bao: Too small, not enough! Cannot open the gate.
2nd Ang Bao: Even worse! Big ang bao but it's empty!!
What!! Only S$8??
Well, the groom and the brothers had to be punished. Refreshing Bitter Gourd Juice for the morning breakfast.
Next Challenge: Bite the flavoured buns into 4 words' I Love U Eve'
Well, considered passed.
Next Ang Bao still not acceptable.
Punshiment: Eat Chilli Padi
Money Money Money
Play Hoola Hoop
Finally, got into the house
Next Challenge. Shout declaration to the bride in the room until she said OK
Finally! Got the Bride
The Bride & Groom with the Love Contract
Wedding Luncheon at Lawry's Prime Ribs Singapore Paragon.
Eve & Mike's wedding luncheon was a unique one. We have been to many banquets serving chinese dishes. Th couple held a western style wedding luncheon at Lawry's Prime Ribs Singapore Paragon. The interior layout of the restaurant with high ceiling dining room in olden victorian style. The chef will cut the beef in the silver carts at the tableside.
The main hall of the restaurant.
I was simply being mesmerised by the interior layout of the restaurant and couldn't stop taking snapshots of the place.
Sweet Chocolates at the reception specially prepared by our lovely bride for the guest at arrival.
The Ang Bao Box provided by the Lawry's
The Couple with Waverly
Me with the bride
I was the sister cum receptionist for the wedding luncheon.This was my first time being a wedding receptionist and was a great experience.
Cindy & Me
Guest: Imran, Wendy & Ash
The souvenier from the hosts.
Me with Wendy and Nicole

Me, Wendy & The Bride
Lawry's famous spinning salad.
Of course, I'm a salad lover, how can I miss their spinning salad!
Another Choice for starter: The soup
My Choice of main course: Chef Cut (Medium) with cream corn side
I normally like my steak to be medium cooked but my other friends prefer medium rare. I think the medium cooked steak is already quite blooded. Anyway the steak was nicely prepared. The cream corn is perfectly sweeten and not too creamy.. everything was in perfection! Marvellous!
Another Choice of Main Course: 1/2 Roast Chicken.
The dessert: I'm not sure if this was a strawberry shotcake or not cos I din read the menu as I was late to reach my seat. I took my order thru sms to my dearly friend at the seat. Hee...
This was a very special wedding dining concept in a western stlye. Thanks to couple's unique idea. The wedding cereomy and the tasete of the great food was still in my mind till today.
It was a very tiring day but an enjoyable one being there to grace my best friend's wedding.
Michael & Evelyn
Blissful Marriage!
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♥Princess J♥
6:13 PM