我不知道该怎么形容我现在的心情。感觉很复杂。这三年来,我工作的内容千篇一禄。老板只给同事新工作,都没增加我的工作。这也许对一些人来说是 lucky。工作没加,薪水照拿。可是,对我来说不是件好事。是老板不信任我,不想成交给上司的报告有错误而让我坏了事。一路来,我的工作表现不是很理想,常常在工作里范这个错那个错的。可能因为这样,我的任务不会是要做需递交给上头的报告。任务都会由表现有能力的‘前辈’门做。当时的心情很糟。感觉我这三年都在混日子。还有辞职的念头。
她们常常都会邀我去聚会如烤肉,聚餐和度假等。现在一个个都离开了,感觉好像少了什么似的。好怀念以前喜闹的日子,办公室里才不会乏闷。现在的办公室已失去这般 感觉了。
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♥Princess J♥
7:25 AM
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I overheard the advertisement through radio that morning that Jam Hisao is holding his concer on 13 Mar 2010, and I e-mailed my best buddy fren-Ivy about it, she is so nice and offerred to go to the concert with me! I was too slow in getting this news, we were unable to get a good seat for Premier Area, so we booked a $128 seat.
I wasn't his fan yet when he participating in the One Million Star and when he released his first album. But after watching his performance over TV and at last year's Si Song Wei Song concert, I grew to love his performance and singing. Recently he released his latest album which he sang other artists' song, I simply love it so much, the reason being he turned the songs in his own style without shadows of the original singers. He is a great a singer. He is a ROCKER! Yeah!!!
I look forward for 洛克先生Mr. Rock's Concert.
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♥Princess J♥
8:43 AM