Reconcialiation Balanced!
Yeah! I've finally managed to balance the 'N' Reconciliation on my own! I've been battering with the recon for weeks. I spent 3 days buring into piles of papers and numbers after CNY holidays. I was very worried what if I couldn't managed to finish the report on time as month end closing is just a week away.
'N' recon is one of the most challenging report among the other recons. I spent 6 months to figure out how to do the recon. I was lucky that I have my collegues to help me when I have problem balancing it.
I was overjoyed when I found the last difference figure. My facial expression turned from stress to a big smile for the rest of the day. I was relieved! Now, I can relaxing clearing my oustanding work to prepare for next closing.
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♥Princess J♥
1:40 PM