My Idol..!! Jay Chou!! I have been waiting for him to release his new album. Everytime he releases his new album, he will gives us new surprise . Sure enough! Upon hearing the title of his new album <我很忙> and 1st hit of the song is a great surprise or even dropping our jaws and goes "Huh...? What the hell was that?" Really, almost all the DJ who played the song <牛仔很忙>was amused and wondering why Jay wrote this song and giving the album title. Is he really super very busy that he doesn't have enough time and care about his album and just release it like 'handing up his homework'?
But Wait... The cover may let you think that way, but when you really sit down and listen to this album, you'll change your mind. He's not making this album anyhow, he is really doing it seriously. he really put alot of effort in all his album and of cos in everything he do, even though he is very busy. I love the way he is.
At first I was not able to accept that song because it's so differnet from Jay's style. But, after listening to a few time, get to understand the lyric, you'll find the song is actually quite cute.
However, his best shot is still the slow rock love songs. I specially like < 彩虹>, it's origin from Jay's movie “不能说的秘密” Melody~"First Kiss".
<牛仔很忙> 我虽然是个牛仔在酒吧只点牛奶 为什么不喝啤酒因为啤酒伤身体 This phrase is cute.
不用麻烦了不用麻烦了 不用麻烦不用麻烦了不用麻烦了 你们一起上我在赶时间 每天决斗观众都累了英雄也累了 不用麻烦了不用麻烦了 副歌不长你们有几个一起上好了 正义呼唤我美女需要我 牛仔很忙的.
<彩虹> 看不见你的笑我怎么睡得着 你的身影这么近我却抱不到 没有地球太阳还是会绕 没有理由我也能自己走 你要离开我知道很简单 你说依赖是我们的阻碍 就算放开那能不能别没收我的爱 当作我最后才明白
《我不配》Specially like the MTV. It's very alike from Jay's Love life. Whenever a new love developed, it couldn't escape the eyes of public a paparazis and what would the life like for an ordinary girl?
Labels: Album Recommendation