What's Happening??

At about 11.50am in the morning, when I was bz and bothering in my work, I heard alot of voices and CH who was at SB's workstation came over and asked whether did we feel the same as her. HP turned and told her she felt the same, she thought that she was having giddyness and she saw her monitor moving. R also mentioned that she felt it too, she thought she's sick and going to faint. So do AT. They guessed there may be an earthquake in our neighbour country. At this point, our dept stopped working and discussing about their experience. I looked at them in and told them. 'Oh, Why din I feel anything?' I asked MY, she din feel it too as we were together at my workstation discussing about work.
Then SL came out from her room and get us evacuated from our office. We walked down to the building carpark and I started asking around. We concluded that those sitting down could feel he shaking and those standing would not be able to feel it, and I was one of the standing person.
We had our lunch early and came back to the office, we were told that there's a 6.6 earthquake at Sumatra.
I was in the storeroom doing filing, when I heard PL shouting that she has feel it again. Everyone started became alert again. I ran out from storeroom and asked around. they had feel it too. I told them. I stil din feel it ley! For twice, I was standing up, the difference was I was bending over to do my filing and I felt a giddyness.
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♥Princess J♥
10:26 PM