It didn't convinced me when Cindy bragged about her new book until Waverly talking about how interesting and popular her newly bought book in Japan - Yakuza Moon. I borrowed from Cindy after Evelyn and I just got the book on my hand, wondering what makes everyone so mesmerising about this book, I started reading the first chapter, then next and next... I seized any chance of picking up the book from my bag and continue reading from where I stopped earlier. I finished reading the book in a week and this is indeed a good book.
Yakuza Moon is the shocking, yet intensely moving memoir of 37-year-old Shoko Tendo, who grew up the daughter of a Yakuza boss. You won't believe what you will be reading. I thought to myself 'This can't be real..' How could such a torment and torture befall onto a lady's life, but indeed it's true.
Shoko Tendo grew up as one of the daughter of a Yakuza boss. Tendo lived her life luxury until the age of six, when her family fell into terrible debt. Being bullied by classmates and terrorised at home by a father who became a drunken. Tendo and her sister, Maki became rebelled and visits nightclubs at the age of 12, yearn to became an adult, she soon became a Yankis and a drug addict. Tendo was sentanced to eight months in a Juvenile detention centre at the age of 15.
Adulthood brought big bucks and glamour for Tendo when she started working as a bar hostess during the Eighties. She also met several rich and loyal patrons, but among them there were also abusive clients, one of whom beat her so badly that her face was left permanently scarred.
Tendo tried very hard to get out of the abusive life when she met a man who truly loved her appeared, he took care of her and her family but apparently she felt guilty for being a burden of his and they divorced.
When her mother died, Tendo plunged into such a deep depression that she tried to commit suicide twice. However, she overcame a lifetime of discrimination and hardship. Getting tattooed, from the base of her neck to the tips of her toes, with a design centered on a geisha with a dagger in her mouth, was an act that empowered her to start making changes in her life.
She quit her job as hostess and became a writer. Yakuza Moon was her first book she wrote, about her life story.
When reading this book, Tendo brought us to high and low of Shoko Tendo's life and at times it also made me cried.
After reading her story, I find Shoko Tendo is a real heroin. She overcame all unfortunate torment and torture. I imagine if I was her, I would have died long ago, yet Shoko strived hard and carry on living.
This book is worth reading. It gave us many lessons on this book. .

Yakuza Moon is Shoko Tendo 's first book. She currently lives in Tokyo with her baby daughter, and is working on her second book, a lighthearted look at the life of a single mother.Labels: Inspiration Stories
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